Friday, January 23, 2009

A Letter For You Alone

Dear You,

By now, I suppose you've figured out who YOU are. If not, then surprise because you're the first one who gets to read this post. So yes, You're YOU. (I know that doesn't make a lot of sense but I think you get what I mean) I know there was always a better way to do this but I guess you know by now I'm very bad at face-to-face. I've always achieved better results when I'm being vague.

At any rate, I'm glad you liked the blog. It was kind of the whole point posting it online but I was never really sure I wanted you to know. So now you know. Please don't kill me or don't freak out. And don't over-analyze and don't ask me what that was all about because I don't understand it myself. But maybe now I can begin searching for HER. It's not always an easy task because well, you're a tough act to follow.

But in the spaces between dreaming and waking, in the ungodly hours of the morning, in that small space between fantasy and reality, I have spared a small space for your pedestal. I suppose, for me, it's a reminder. My own surreal little shrine. There it will stay, there it will remain. Why? I'm finding it hard to pry you out. But I'm hoping that maybe you can be the standard by which others will be measured. While I realize that you're a tough act to follow, I'm willing to believe that anything is possible. They say real art is very rare in the world this days. And you are the rarest of the rare. And I'll be lucky to find something just as rare.

So maybe in other worlds, maybe in other realities, maybe in other dreams, I'll meet you there and maybe it will be different. Maybe there my karma will be better. But, for now, you can be YOU and I can be ME. So, thank you. I'm really glad you liked the first one. and don't worry, this'll likely be the last. (There's still that book, of course. if you still really want to be my manager. ha-ha-ha!)

So... Friends?


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